School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Departmental academic advisors

Bachelor in Applied Science

Prof. Dr. Ralf Krömer
Room: F.12.03
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: + 49 (0)202 439-2526

Biology Education Gymnasium and GHRGe-HRG, Grundschule

Prof'in Dr. Angelika Preisfeld
Room: V.12.62
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2815

Chemistry B.Sc. and M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Benter
Room: V.08.87
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Secretary: D. Planz
Phone: 0202 439-2666 or -2665

Chemistry Education Gymnasium/BK/GHR

Prof. Dr. Claudia Bohrmann-Linde
Room: V.11.27
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-3437
Secretary:  R. Gärtig (Mo-Fr 9-12 Uhr)
Room: V.11.70
Phone: 0202 439-3466

Food Chemistry State Examination

Prof. Dr. Nils Helge Schebb
Room: V.11.65
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Secretary: S. Scalet
Room: V.11.69
Phone: 0202 439-2784

Sustainable Chemistry B.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Nils Helge Schebb
Room: V.11.65
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Secretary: S. Scalet
Room: V.11.69
Phone: 0202 439-2784

Computer Simulation in Science M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Francesco Knechtli
Room: D.10.25
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2630

Computer Sciences (B.Sc., combined B.A. and M.Ed.)

Dr. Holger Arndt
Room: G.14.16
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2033

Information Technology B.Sc. and M.Sc. in FK6

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Brandau
Room: FC 02.04
Phone: 0202 439-1335

Mathematics B.Sc. and M.Sc.
Technomathematics M.Sc.

Dr. Jean Ruppenthal
Room: G.15.15
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2674

Business Mathematics B.Sc./M.Sc.

Muriel Berno und Julia Sudhoff Santos
Room: D.13.13/D.13.02
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439 -5248 (Berno) / -3917 (Sudhoff Santos)

Mathematics Education/
Elements of Mathematics in the combined B.A.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Berendonk
Room: F.12.04
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2649

Mathematics in the combined B.A. 

Dr. Karsten Blankenagel
Room: F.12.05
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2652

Physics B.Sc. and M.Sc. 

Prof. Dr. M. Karbach
Room: D.10.06
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2739

Physics Education Gym/Ge/BK/HRGe/Grundschule

Prof. Dr. Johannes Grebe-Ellis
Room: G.11.28
Consultation hours: by arrangement
Phone: 0202 439-2610
Secretary: M. Mertens (Mo-Fr 9-12 Uhr)
Room: G.11.30
Phone: 0202 439-2584

Last modified: 18.12.2024