Regular events

Girls'Day 2025: Our doors open again on 4/3/2025!
Promoting young talent: Girls explore STEM professions and courses of study at the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Click here for more information: Girls'Day 2025
Student internships

Many of our working groups offer the obligatory internships for students from grade 8 onwards, be it one-day internships in grades 8 or 9 or up to two-week internships in grades 9 and 10.
In physics, the registration runs collectively via the following website:
In the other departments, inquiries can be made to the working groups (mathematics and computer science) or the department speaker (chemistry and biology).
Long evening of study orientation
Every year, close to the of the application phase for admission-restricted courses, the student advisory services in NRW invite students to the Long Evening of Student Advising. The departments of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences also take part and inform prospective students about opportunities and choices to study.
Further information here
Open lectures

During a number of events, such as the dual orientation week, the university internship, taster lectures and other activities throughout the semester, high school students can get a glimpse of university life. Various lecturers from the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences open their lectures. A list of all lectures can be found here.
SchoolPOOL Physics
The goal of the SchulPOOL project is to increase the number of opportunities for students to experiment in the regular classes and thus promote exciting lessons. Many schools lack the money to build up physics collections and experiments are therefore often not feasible.
In 2003, the working group "Physics and its Didactics" launched the SchulPOOL project in cooperation with physics teachers from the Wuppertal-Solingen-Remscheid region. Teachers have the opportunity to borrow suitcases with demonstration and student experiments on relevant topics of middle and high school.
To the SchulPOOL here
Female Physicist of the month
Female physicists are regularly featured as part of a project on the media channels of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to increase the visibility of female scientists and to promote interest in studying physics.
The female physicists introduce themselves and their field of research or, in particular, their interest in physics. It does not matter whether the female physicist is studying for a bachelor's, master's or teaching degree, or is already working as a research assistant or professor.
This idea was inspired by the "Physicist of the Week" initiative of the Equal Opportunities Working Group (AKC) of the German Physical Society (DPG). To the website:
Astronomy school lab (cooperation of physics didactics with Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium)
The working group "Physics and its Didactics" and the Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium (CFG) in Wuppertal have jointly set up a comprehensive teaching program in the field of astronomy. Since 2009, there has been a unique astronomy student laboratory with a student observatory on the roof of the high school. This laboratory is very popular as a school and extracurricular offer and is also used as a training location within the framework of science teacher training courses at BUW. In the past years, the observatory has conveyed the fascination of astronomy and astrophysics to many children and young people, student teachers, many school classes and the general public.
Further information of the physics didactics here
Student Info Days

All departments of the School of Mathematics and natural Sciences participate in the Student Info Days with short lectures and presentations of the courses of study. This kind of student info days is unique compared to other universities in the region, because only the University of Wuppertal offers a program tailored to the students.
More information here
SummerUni for young women in science and technology

For girls only: Schoolgirls from grade 10 or up can take part in a week-long STEM taster course at the SommerUni from June 30 to July 04, 2025 on the university campus. There will be a variety of insights into STEM studies and the exciting everyday life at the University of Wuppertal. Over 90 different events are planned and can be chosen from the program.
The Bergische Science Labs

The Bergische Science-Labs, consisting of the student labs BeLLBio, GeoIT, Technik and the Chemie-Labothek, offer many different opportunities for people interested in STEM topics.
The Science Labs in the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are extracurricular teaching/learning opportunities in chemistry and biology for students grade 5 to 13 and teachers in cooperation with the zdi-BeST:
BeLL Bio
The BeLL Bio is a free, extracurricular teaching/learning opportunity of the zoology & biology didactics group at the University of Wuppertal.
In the generously equipped laboratories of BeLL Bio, students grade 5-13 can experience modern biology up close. Exciting experiments relevant to everyday life are designed to encourage a conscious examination of biological questions, to inspire enthusiasm for the subject of biology and to enable the transfer of knowledge. The courses offered by BeLL Bio tie in with current school curricula without covering content that could also be implemented in a school context.
In the chemistry lab, innovative content is linked to curriculum-relevant content and explored in greater depth.
Past events
101 Semester - Experience day of the physics department

On Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, we invite everyone from young to old to join us in celebrating the 101st semester of physics. The physics department will open its doors on this special day and invites the public to a varied program.
Information on lectures, guided tours, experiments here: https: //
Open house

On the occasion of its 50th birthday, the University of Wuppertal opened its doors in 2022 and welcomed everyone! Exciting experiments, interesting research and a glimpse behind the scenes invited young and old, big and small to participate, marvel and discover. Street food trucks, sports activities and live music additionally ensured an entertaining get-together.
MINT Week (STEM Week)

Many of our working groups from the physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science departments were part of the MINT (STEM) Week 2022 on 20.06.2022.
There were small lectures, workshops, experiments, talks, guided tours and lab visits (Our program). Prospective students could actively try out the offers and ask questions about the specific subjects.
Last modified: 21.01.2025