Sandra Schumacher-Hallbauer
Finance & Administration Manager
Room F.10.06
Phone: 0202-439-2494
Email: sschumacher(at)uni-wuppertal.de
Mailbox: D.10 / Nr. 27
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-noon
Wed + Fri Home office
- Access authorization asknet, Staples, PBP, Printion, Mach, ZIM
- Business card orders
- Business trip applications
- Courier costs
- Field trip authorizations
- Invoices/ overdue notices
- Material budget control and distribution
- Material budget coordination (incl. RAV)
- Procurement requests, retrieval blanket purchase agreements, etc.
- Professor appointment procedures
- Reimbursement of expenses to persons without employment contract
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Representation expenses
- "Sachlich richtig" signature
- Small order blocks (authorizations and registration)
- Third-party funding notifications
- "Werkverträge" / honorarium contracts
Required forms can be found here.
Proxy of Human Resources Manager, Mona Stecher
Last modified: 10.01.2024