
On-campus research internships for exchange students of the University of Michigan-Flint

Broaden your horizon and get involved in current projects in Chemistry, Biology or Physics!


Summer semester 2024


Looking for a meaningful internship experience with a research team in a chemistry, biology or physics lab?
We are happy to announce this special opportunity developed for students as part of the univerity partnership with the University of Michigan-Flint.

Our departments for chemistry and biology as well as physics offer many exciting projects. Whether you are interested in the discovery of new materials, the biology of ecosystems, atmospheric sciences, the synthesis of new compounds, the chemistry of our food or the effects of compounds on cells and diseases, you surely will find the right fit for you.


Research groups within the department of physics:

Link to the research groups (in German language)



Research groups within the department of chemistry and biology:

Prof.´in Dr. Gela Preisfeld

Key areas of research: Zoology (Photo Symbionts)

Prof. ́in Dr. Gertrud Lohaus

Key areas of research: Plant biochemistry and molecular biology

Prof. Martin Simon

Key areas of research: Epigenetic mechanisms involving regulatory RNA

Prof.`in Dr. Claudia Bohrmann-Linde
Key areas of research: Development of experiments suitable for schools, didactic concepts and accompanying teaching/learning media on the topics of energy, energy conversion and sustainable use of resources.

Prof. Dr. Nils Helge Schebb
Key areas of research: Metabolomics of lipids and cellular metabolites to understand the impact of diet on human health

Prof.`in Dr. Julia Bornhorst
Key areas of research: Role of environmental and food relevant metals, especially trace elements (TE), in health and disease

Prof. Dr. Carsten Jenne
Key areas of research: Molecular chemistry of nonmetals

Prof. Dr. Fabian Mohr
Key areas of research: Metal complexes with biological activity, Organometallic Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Ullrich Scherf
Key areas of research: Materials science and the chemistry of functional polymers: Synthesis development, semiconducting polymer materials, microporous polymer networks, block copolymers, conjugated polyelectrolytes

Prof. Dr. Hans-Willi Kling
Key areas of research: Sustainable Development, conservation of resources, use of renewable raw materials instead of petrochemical-based materials

Prof. Dr. Stefan F. Kirsch
Key areas of research: Creation of Diversity in the Synthesis of Small Molecules; Target-oriented Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules with Promising Biological Properties

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scherkenbeck
Key areas of research: Bioorganic chemistry, Development of resistance-breaking antibiotics; Design and synthesis of novel inhibitors of oncogenically mutated Ras proteins

Prof. Dr. Guillaume Delaittre
Key areas of research: Synthesis of macromolecules and nanostructures with applications in life sciences; Development of biodegradable polymeric materials made from renewable resources

Dr. Adrián Gómez-Suárez
Key areas of research: Photochemistry, Radical chemistry, Transition metal catalysis, Development of catalytic transformations with direct application to the synthesis and late-stage modification of biomolecules, such as saccharides, amino acids, and peptides

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Benter
Key areas of research: Mass spectrometry; ionization method development

Prof. Dr. Peter Wiesen
Key areas of research: Method development and modeling of atmospheric chemistry including simulation chambers and flow reactors, field measurements, emission measurements ect.

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 09.11.2023